Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Once upon a time, there was a young, brash, cocky kid. Used to having everything he ever wished, the kid had an exaggerated sense of self respect that often bordered on a football ground sized ego.

That kid turned mature today.

The year that was...

I am back at home exactly one year after i left for Mumbai. Today, the 7th of July marks an year of completion at Accenture. A friend recently asked me "Salil, how has been the journey like?". All i could tell her was "Interesting !!!" .

Pretty and not so pretty instructors, a hundred tests, 9 months on bench, two completely different cities. That pretty much sums it up all....

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mediocre But Arrogant

It’s official now. Blokes down at the Xavier Labour Relations Institute won’t get a chance to rectify the mistake they committed last time. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to take me in, and they blew it.Bigtime.

My filling up the XLRI had given them false hope. It made the female professors sing in the rain ala Kajol in DDLJ,

“kaisa hai woh kaun hai
jane kahan hai
jiske liye mere hothon pe haan hai”

I had reached the examination center an hour before the exam. An hour.. They knew how important my time was. Had I not been there, I would have been at my office coding the fuel optimization algorithm for Chandryaan II , or may be reviewing the design of a killer application for human genome sequencing.

I am sure the people at XLRI’s admission office would have been watching every step of mine on CCTV with great anticipation. Clapping every second, applauding my determination, time management, crisis response time. “This is one guy who is going to make our institute proud”

But alas, that were not to be. At the last moment, I decided take back the candy I had shown them. Doing that makes one feel so strong and powerful. So I decided to immaculately take their joy away by screwing up my paper. Question by question, Section by section, determined to not give them any chance what so ever. In fact, just to make sure I ended my essay with

“Do not miss your chance to blow.
This opportunity comes once a lifetime”