Saturday, December 6, 2008

Will Smith's a winner. All the way ...

One of the movies that i recently watched happens to be the 2006 Will Smith starrer "The pursuit of happyness". Smith as the salesman-turned-stock breaker seems to be a classic example of Murphy's law. That is, anything that can go wrong, will.

Unable to sell, unable to pay for parking tickets ,deserted by wife , jailed for a day ,homeless with a little kid to take care of, Smith goes through it all. Several nights of riding buses and sleeping in subway restrooms , saddled with their meager belongings makes Chris (Will Smith) more determined to complete the intern program and become the sole trainee the firm will hire.

The movie has a predictable fairytale ending with Smith bagging the job and going on to do very well in life. Cliched ? Not quite.. Apart from the stellar performances of the father son duo who happen to be father and son in real life too, the USP of the movie lies in its honesty. In its outlines, it's nothing like the usual success story depicted onscreen, in which, after a reasonable interval of disappointment, success arrives wrapped in a ribbon and a bow. Instead, this success story follows the pattern most common in life - it chronicles a series of soul-sickening failures and defeats, missed opportunities, sure things that didn't quite happen, all of which are accompanied by barely perceptible victories that gradually amount to something. In other words, it all feels real...

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