Monday, December 8, 2008

One day at an asylum. Time :- 7.30 AM. Good Morning

I wake up rubbing my eyes. Stroll towards the bathroom hoping that it would be occupied so that i can give myself an excuse and catch up on five more minutes of sleep. My wish comes true. Binit's inside one of the bathrooms singing his favourite Reshamia number "Naaaaaa meri khataaaa... Naaa mera dosh hai ".

Salil : Binit. (A barrage of expletives) Have you slept inside ? (Another barrage of expletives)
Binit : (His turn of expletives.) If you are that interested in bathing, wake up early. (Resumes his singing. "Aapka nasha yoon madhosh hai"...)
I set off to catch up my five minutes of sleep.

Our neighbours are treated to this form of entertainment every weekday morning without fail. We give them a break every weekend. One thing's are for sure, if they were to be Marathi or for that matter speaking any language other than Hindi, they would have definitely mistaken our names with some hindi expletive or the other.

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