Monday, December 8, 2008

Time:- 9.30 AM. Tring Tring..

I take a look at my phone. Oh no.. It says Prateek calling. For those unaware, Prateek happens to be my supervisor.

Prateek: Hello Salil. Where are you ?
Salil : Sir... Hello ? Hello (I take this time to formulate a response). Yes sir. Sir.. I am at
(M2B happens to largest office among all Accenture facilities at Mumbai.)
Prateek: What are you doing there ?
Salil : Sir i had just come to get some bank work done.
Prateek: Ok.. Ok. Catch the next shuttle to M1 (my office that is) and see me first thing.
Salil : Sure sir.

Some times i wonder if Mr Prateek is trying to get me married to his daughter. Without dowry..

P.S. Not a bad idea actually. I am quite looking to home made food again !!

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