Monday, December 8, 2008

Time 9.30 PM. The Phone call

When the cable television or the internet connection fails to diminish our boredom, We all turn to the phone. It is a ritual again. Every night same time. It has to be either Varun Gandhi or Rohan Verma.

Tring Tring..
Rohan : Hello Salil.
Salil : Sale (expletives again. Actually that is how we greet our friends on phone.)
Rohan : Are yaar kabhi to izzat se baat kar liya karo. I am hanging up
Salil : Are listen. Dont hang up. I've got something very important. Are pata hai Sachin has started taking turmeric milk.
Rohan : What crap ? Is this what you wanted to talk about? I'll hang up
Salil : Are when are you coming to Bhandup. I'll take you to Tembhi pada. It has the city's
most beautiful waterfall. I'll take you there. Just you and me. Dont tell anybody else.
Just you and me. Get a bed sheet, a flying disc and a rubber ball. We'll go on a picnic.

And guess what ? The poor guy actually did come once to visit the so called waterfall.

Conclusion : I really must find something to do. All this vella-ness is getting to my head. The worst part- I'm luvin it.

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